19th November 2020
On behalf of Mintondale Developments Ltd, Framptons submit planning applications for the development of land off Halse Road, Brackley.
The development proposals primarily comprise new residential development of upto 450 new homes.
The consultant team has undertaken technical and environmental analysis for the development area – which comprises two forms of development, namely:
i) ‘The provision of upto 450 dwellings, including public open space and a cemetery, together with associated infrastructure including foul and storm water drainage installations and electricity supply substations; full details of access arrangements from Halse Road comprising four new access points – two primary and one secondary south of The Worlidge and one secondary north of The Worlidge to serve the proposed sports pitches (refer to accompanying full application); one primary vehicular access point from Miranda Way (Radstone Fields), including reformatting of existing junction of Miranda Way with Juno Crescent, and one secondary access for pedestrian and cycle connection; access track from Halse Road and small car park to serve sports pitches.’
ii) ‘The change of use from agricultural land to form sports pitches on land north of The Worlidge, Halse Road, Brackley, in association with proposed residential development adjoining Radstone Fields (see accompanying outline application).’
In consequence, rather than seeking to construct a hybrid planning application – incorporating development for which outline planning permission is requested and a change of use proposal for which full planning permission is required – two planning applications have been prepared, namely:
- Outline planning application for the residential dwellings and associated development. The red line site boundary is shown on Dwg No. RL03, with the wider context being shown on Dwg No. RL04 (with land in the Applicant’s control edged blue). The site area extends to 22.34 hectares.
- Full planning application for the change of use from agricultural land to form sports pitches. The red line site boundary (with land in the Applicant’s control edged blue) is shown on Dwg No. RL02. The site area extends to 7.71 hectares.
All reports and plans will be available to view and comment upon in the South Northants Planning Applications Register. However, the blue links to the right provide access to the submitted documentation for you to view.