We welcome the opportunity to present proposals for a residential development on land fronting Silsoe Road, Maulden. The proposal is for up to 49 dwellings with a generous amount of open space.The site comprises 2.37ha of land that fronts onto Silsoe Road. The extent of the site is edged red on the Location Plan. The land edged in blue on the Location Plan, is within the ownership of the Applicant. The site is allocated for housing by Policy Policy HA1 Small and Medium Sites of the Central Bedfordshire Local Plan. The site’s allocation reference is HAS38 Land fronting Silsoe Road Maulden.Our vision is to create a sustainable residential development, with high quality environmental standards. The development will respect the local identity of Maulden, its landscape character, context and wider setting.You can view and comment on the proposals by clicking on the links to the right.